June updates: Tropical Weather Outlook, active storms, and more

Default behavior when HURREVAC opens The Tropical Weather Outlook (TWO) map layer is now turned on by default when you log into HURREVAC. This change is intended to help users maintain situational awareness of emerging hazards, even when there are no active systems. Active storms are also loaded when you log into HURREVAC, but with […]
  • Posted by John Boyer
  • On June 21, 2024
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Updated Storm Surge Modeling for North Carolina

Emergency managers in North Carolina now have access to an updated SLOSH basin in HURREVAC. The associated high-resolution MEOWs are available in the Storm Surge (SLOSH) Explorer to help users understand their storm surge risk for both planning and operational decision-making. The North Carolina basin, identified as nc1, was updated by the National Hurricane Center […]
  • Posted by John Boyer
  • On May 31, 2024
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April Updates: 24-hour time, SLOSH opacity, current winds

Here’s a summary of upgrades implemented in HURREVAC during April 2024. 24-hour clock option Do you want HURREVAC to display the time as “17:00” instead of “5 PM?” You now have the option to show a 24-hour time format. Open User Preferences, click the Map Settings tab and change the new Time Clock row to 24-hour. […]
  • Posted by John Boyer
  • On April 29, 2024
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Register for the 2024 HURREVAC webinar series

Registration is open for the National Hurricane Program’s annual HURREVAC webinar series. Government emergency managers are invited to join us each day from June 10 to June 14, 2024. Instructors will cover a wide range of topics to help new HURREVAC users gain a comprehensive understanding of the program. Returning users can also look forward […]
  • Posted by John Boyer
  • On March 22, 2024
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March update: Miscellaneous improvements in HURREVAC

Here’s a summary of changes and improvements implemented by the HURREVAC team in recent weeks. Behavior of exercise storms and simulated storms Exercise and simulated storms now show the first (or earliest) advisory when initially loaded onto the tracking map. This helps make training and exercises more realistic by avoiding a premature reveal of the […]
  • Posted by John Boyer
  • On March 21, 2024
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January updates: right-click changes, archived error cone display

Here’s a summary of improvements made by the HURREVAC development team during late 2023 and early 2024. New way to manage simulated storms Managing your list of simulated storms in the Storms tab no longer requires a right-click. To add a simulated storm, left-click the three dot menu icon to the right of the folder […]
  • Posted by John Boyer
  • On January 18, 2024
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New Options for Importing and Exporting Points of Interest

The latest upgrade to Points of Interest gives HURREVAC users more options for storing and sharing their information. The POI Import and Export functions now support GeoJSON files. POIs can still be exported to and imported from properly-formatted Excel (.xlsx) spreadsheets. POI Style Settings can now be imported and exported, too. To share the custom look of […]
  • Posted by John Boyer
  • On November 9, 2023
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Midseason update: Enhancements to Points of Interest and Evacuation Timing Tools

The HURREVAC team deployed several upgrades and changes on August 15. These enhancements are mainly focused on the integration of Points of Interest with evacuation timing tools. One general improvement involves the resizing of reports in the right Side Panel. Reports have variable widths, so the panel now automatically expands to show all columns and […]
  • Posted by John Boyer
  • On August 15, 2023
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REMINDER: Join the HURREVAC webinar series starting June 12

The National Hurricane Program’s annual weeklong HURREVAC training webinar series will kick off on Monday, June 12. Registration is still open up to the start time of each day’s session, but we recommend signing up as soon as possible so that you will receive schedule reminders via email. This is the best opportunity to get […]
  • Posted by John Boyer
  • On June 7, 2023
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What’s new in HURREVAC for the 2023 season

The HURREVAC team implemented two changes to the program for the start of the 2023 Atlantic hurricane season: enhanced display settings for Points of Interest and a new system for Notifications. Several data layers were recently expanded or added to HURREVAC due to changes in National Hurricane Center products. If you have not already, be […]
  • Posted by John Boyer
  • On June 1, 2023
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