Updates to reports in HURREVAC

During February, the HURREVAC team implemented many enhancements to the layout, functionality and performance of reports. These changes are also documented in updates to the HURREVAC user guide.
The 2023 season version of HURREVAC is under development, so check back this spring for more announcements about new features and virtual training opportunities.
- NEW: Three reports – Wind Timing Report for a Location, Probabilistic Wind Timing Report, and Evacuation Timing Report – have new logic that can return a value of “TBD.” This indicates that the latest advisory products are in the process of coming out but the probabilistic wind timing is not yet completely available. “TBD” will briefly show up near the advisory issuance hour when the newest track and text products appear, but the graphical wind probabilities and wind timing graphics still show data for the previous advisory. If “TBD” is displayed, rerun the report in approximately 10 minutes to take advantage of the latest data. The report descriptions were also updated to reflect his change.
- NEW: Added messaging in the report data table to let the user know when a report is in the process of being generated, the report generation has failed, or when the report has finished running but there are no affected areas for the particular advisory and scope.
- NEW: All report descriptions can be collapsed by clicking the arrow in the header. Click the icon again to expand the text.
- NEW: All reports contain a direct link to the relevant user guide page. Click the question mark to get help.
- CHANGE: The search bar for multi-location reports is now located above the report description. Previously, the search bar was between the description and report table.
- FIX: A user’s scope selection (Base State, Base County, etc.) is retained and applied to new reports generated in the same HURREVAC session.
- FIX: Corrected a bug that caused Probabilistic Wind Timing Report to fail if there were no points of interest (POIs) stored in the user profile.
- FIX: Adjusted column spacing so report values are visible in all display modes. Also improved report visibility when the left and right side panels overlap.
- FIX: Improved performance of some multi-location wind reports.
- Posted by HURREVAC Support
- On March 3, 2023