Updates to Storm Surge Modeling for South Carolina and Georgia
Emergency managers in Georgia and South Carolina should use the updated Charleston basin (CH3) and associated high-resolution MEOWs in HURREVAC to understand their storm surge risk as it relates to both planning and operational decision-making. The Charleston basin, identified herein as CH3, was updated by the National Hurricane Center Storm Surge Unit and released by the National Hurricane Program in February 2022.
The CH3 update includes improvements to both resolution and geographic extent, with the intended area of use to extend from the Florida/Georgia border to the South Carolina/North Carolina border. The National Hurricane Program is coordinating with stakeholders and program partners to evaluate impacts to the current Hurricane Evacuation Study in-progress in Georgia.
Questions pertaining to CH3 should be directed to Cody.Fritz@noaa.gov at the National Hurricane Center. Questions about the use of the data in HURREVAC should be directed to support@hurrevac.com.
- Posted by Karen Townsend
- On May 26, 2022